Good Music for Good People
The holiday season has started. Magic is in the air even though the snow is melting and the earth keeps getting warmer. My desire isn’t to sound too pessimistic but our planet is sending us signals, signals we can’t ignore any longer. We are approaching the point of no return.
With this doomsday message out of the way, time is still for resolutions, getting around the fireplace, chatting and enjoying a meal in good company. That’s the only thing that matters during our time off work.
All of that while listening to music, of course. Music that brings us together in times of despair, when all hope seems gone.
You can’t set the right mood without music. It’s like travelling to another continent without an airplane. Like running without proper shoes…
The end of the year is also the right time to reflect on what happened these last twelve months. What went right and what would you like to change going forward?
Every year, I love to reflect on the music albums that brought me joy and the ones that made me cry. In 2023, artists came back into the spotlight. Well, not entirely. Frank Ocean is still nowhere to be seen.
Majid Jordan’s new album, Good People, has a special place in my heart. The Toronto duo, who were discovered by Drake in the 2010s, created something more soothing.
Introspective and slow jams are what this most recent project is all about.
To some, this new album, their fourth, may seem redundant because some tracks have similarities. The first 9 songs (disc 1) follow a linear trajectory. It gets different when Hands Tied starts.
The group released Good People on November 3, a few days after the Halloween celebrations, at the start of the most depressing month of the year.
It was meant to show a different side of the two artists. Majid Jordan wants to be recognized for more than just hits on the charts.
Violet and The Message are back-to-back songs from the first disc that are meaningful. The Message talks about love in the purest way possible; when you would do anything for someone you are in love with.
A few days after releasing Good People, the artists came out with 8 more songs to complete the project, on November 17. The whole thing is named Good People/Afterhours.
From the moment disc 2 starts, you can feel it is unlike the first disc.
It is more joyful. The second song Wait For You (Hold Tight) is a dance song. We need a little bit of fun between two sessions of crying, no? Far Away (song #4 out of 8) is an interlude that makes us realise that this album won’t go on forever.
The project couldn’t have finished on a better note than with Patience, The Law (Part 1) and Chill Pad Deluxe. We may be lucky enough to get The Law (Part 2) on a future album.
The last song Chill Pad Deluxe is out of the ordinary. It’s one of those songs that make you jealous. Why didn’t I have the talent to write it? Probably in another life, who knows?
The title resumes it all. It is a chill track that grounds you. You should listen to it when you are feeling overwhelmed and stressed.
The complete album makes me think more about R&B, and less about pop. In that way, it isn’t entirely inspired by their debut album and The Space Between (2017).
The group has said during a previous interview that their intention was to release something ‘’therapeutic, something where people felt at ease.’’
They added that the ‘’world needs more love’’.
No need to pay for shrink sessions when you can listen to an album like this one. Even when the songs are slow, it isn’t depressing nor dark.
The message is always positive.
Majid Jordan has shown over the years that they are more than Drake’s protege.
They have gained maturity. The duo is now able to talk about love in a more honest way than before. It feels more sincere than ever.
Santa, for the new year, could you please bring good music for the people that have been good? Music that makes us dream, love and reach for more stars…